Communicate Your Message in the Real World
So much of our time and attention is spent in virtual reality...we are besieged with the digital imagery of email, text, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. As we try to keep up with the posts and blasts, we find ourselves “texture deprived” and in a world that is becoming far less tangible and touchable. The more 2-dimensional we are, the more 3-dimensions become new, fresh and exciting.
Now, more than ever, printed marketing materials can make a bold statement against the glaring backdrop of eye straining RGB. The real presence of a postcard arrives on a real desk in a real office and sits patiently for the right moment to communicate without fear of being forgotten on the ever growing list of unanswered emails and spam. What used to be a crowded mailbox at the curb, is now a full inbox on the computer. And once again, printed marketing materials are great vehicles for communicating your message in the real world.